Here’s our recipe for having an inspiring and informative day at the first Legal Geek North America Conference, firstly here is our event ethos:
- Come to make friends, not to sell
- Dress comfortably (please, please, no ties)
- Come to learn AND to teach
And here are 8 awesome things you need to know:
There is no such thing as a queue, just networking opportunities, at busy times please introduce yourself to the person behind and in front of you
If you are attending with a friend or as part of a wider group, give yourself time to roam by yourself – you might well bump into your new best friend, next client or co-founder
Have a burning question to ask a speaker? Due to time commitments, we can’t facilitate questions directly after the talks. Instead, we ask delegates to approach speakers at the end of each session or fire them over on Twitter
It is an indisputable fact that without YOU making the movement heard, Legal Geek is just a word. So let the world know you’re at Legal Geek North America by using #LegalGeek on social media. At our London conference, we even trended on Twitter. Why not connect with us before the event, we are on: Twitter – @weareLegalGeek | Linkedin – @LegalGeek [no space between words] | Instagram – @Legal.Geek [with a full stop between words]
Say ‘hi’ to our amazing volunteers. They are students from Brooklyn Law School – which is where Legal Hackers was founded – so cool!
Make the most of your breaks by attending the start-up pitching competition on the main stage and visiting sponsor stands where activities will be taking place throughout the day. View the full schedule of activities
Wondering if the event is right for you? Remember that everyone is welcome at a Legal Geek event. Our typical audience consists of Big Law, in-house, startups and technologists. But we’re also popular with regulators, policymakers and investors. Those attending tend to be of the opinion that technology will have a positive impact on the legal profession
We hope to see you there!