online solution attorney

online solution attorney

online solution attorney

Online SoluEon AForney (OSA) is a legal start-up positioning itself to become an international marketplace actor in proposing online legal services. OSA Services connects individuals and enterprises that need a legal service with aForneys-at-law/lawyers as law experts (« aForneys » ) ready to provide such legal service.



Brussels, Belgium





Target Market:

Consumers, Professionals

Amount raised



Cynthia Charlier
Founder Background: Law
Claude-Philippe Lievens
Founder Background: Web Development
Jeoffrey Vigneron
Founder Background: Law
Addleshaw Goddard Workshop

Level up your prompting game: Unlock the power of LLMs

A workshop intended to dive into the mechanics of a good prompt, the key concepts behind ‘prompt engineering’ and some practical tips to help get the most out of LLMs. We will be sharing insights learned across 2 years of hands-on testing and evaluation across a number of tools and LLMs about how a better understanding of the inputs can support in leveraging GenAI for better outputs.


Kerry Westland, Partner, Head of Innovation Group, Addleshaw Goddard
Sophie Jackson, 
Senior Manager, Innovation & Legal Technology, Addleshaw Goddard
Mike Kennedy, 
Senior Manager, Innovation & Legal Technology, Addleshaw Goddard
Elliot White, 
Director, Innovation & Legal Technology, Addleshaw Goddard